Abstract: Just like a split diamond, 2 cross-streets are served by a single set of freeway ramps. In this case, each cross-street has a single large roundabout.
Abstract: This intersection was a superstreet for a few short years, but now FM973 has been rerouted to a Texas U-turn intersection as express toll lanes have been added to SH71.
Abstract: Opened July 2014. NB exit ramp splits so only left-turn traffic goes to DDI with all other traffic meeting Tiffany Springs Pkwy at separate intersection.
Abstract: EB and WB left turns crossover oncoming traffic prior to intersection with first frontage road. Between frontage roads they share lane with U-turn traffic.
Abstract: Eastbound left turns crossover oncoming traffic prior to intersection with southbound frontage road. They then share lanes with southbound U-turn traffic for turn onto northbound frontage road.