Mike specializes in Alternative intersection concept development, planning, and analysis. Mike has helped lead planning efforts in primarily in the Western United States where such innovative intersection ideas have been incorporated in plans, and many are progressing to construction. Mike has given numerous presentations at regional and national planning and engineering conferences on Alternative Intersections.
B.S, M.S, Civil Engineering, Brigham Young University, 1997
Utah Professional Engineer
Institue of Transportation Engineers, Professional Transportation Planner
Abstract: Market Street is considered one of the Great Streets in America. Notice it is very walkable, but doesn't have very much walk space. What they have they use well, but it is more about the buildings.
Abstract: 16th Street Mall is a fantastic street! The mall shuttle carries over 50,000 riders per day - more than many multi-route light rail systems.
It has a 22-foot pedestrian zone in the middle and 10-foot shuttle paths on either side. The sidewalks are generally 19 feet on both sides. Double rows of honey locust trees and specially designed post lanterns in the pedestrian median provide shade and appropriate lighting while allowing for visibility of the buildings (and business tenants) running the length of the street.
Abstract: Will be first DDI on the west coast. New I-5 bridges built North of old Fern Valley Rd bridge on a new alignment perpendicular to the freeway.
Abstract: Formerly, an at-grade intersection. The Thru-Turn strategy was used here to reroute lefts, making it cheaper to build the interchange, and with less disruption to traffic. Had good YouTube video, since removed.
Abstract: Pan around and you can see hundreds, maybe thousands of craters from nuclear explosions here at the Nevada test site. No wonder Down-Winder's have a legitimate claim to radiation exposure!
Abstract: The fact that this 1960's complex makes a perfect swastika is apparently accidental, and unnoticed until Google Earth came around. The Navy now intends to remodel to mask it. Conspiracy theories anyone??...